
“ CHICKEN ” DESSERT “Special Turkish Dessert”

“ CHICKEN ” DESSERT “Special Turkish Dessert”


- 1 lt. of milk.
- 1 glass of sugar.
- 1 tablespoon cinnamon.
- 1 glass of BAŞAK Rice Flour.
- Meaty part of ½ chicken.


- Add rice flour and sugar to 1 lt. of milk and boil until consistency will form.
- Seperate the fleshy part of chicken as fibers, press in palm of the hand and place into water
to make softer texture.
- Pour one spoon of pudding over chicken fibers and press fibers in pudding by means of wooden spoon.Put all pressed fibers into pudding and take to fire.Boil for 2-3 min. again
by stirring. Add 1/3 glass of water and take from fire.
- Empty dessert into dishes that are previously washed. After hardening , turn the dishes over other dishes. Serve after decorating with cinnamon.


Seyran Mh. Yeni İstanbul Cd. No:2962 42550-Akşehir-TÜRKİYE

+90 332 812 75 00